Policies, Procedures, and Standards – Why They Are Needed and Their Impact on Corporate Security

People by nature don’t like to be told what to do. Most people would rather be told what needs to be done and left to their own devices to produce the end result. That approach works fine if you are an organization of one. Bring in another person and suddenly things start to get done differently by each person. Those…

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Security Faux Pas – Owning Up When You Make A Mistake

A company can have the best security controls in place, have a staff that is highly security-aware and have what they consider outstanding security practices in place and yet bad things can and do happen. Many times, security breaches are caused by malicious actors exploiting some unnoticed vulnerability in a running service or other infrastructure. These breaches happen without involving…

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Understanding the Value of a SOC 2 Report (Service Organization Controls)

A recent post by Kendra Cooley led to a lively discussion around the value of SOC2 attestations. She followed this up with an article that goes into a bit more depth. Discussion around these sorts of issues is always educational. The devil is in the details. When one discusses SOC without clarifying the details, the waters get muddy very fast.…

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Importance of Separating Corporate and Personal Identities and Devices

In 2013, malicious actors stole 40 million credit card numbers and the personal details from 70 million customers in what has become known as the Target data breach. For those of you that don’t know, Target is a very large retail chain with locations around the world. In addition to credit card numbers, the cybercriminals also got away with PINs,…

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Importance of Asset Management in Organizational Security

Organizations must take risks in order to operate. Each organization determines what level of risk is acceptable to that organization. This concept is known as risk appetite. Security is the process of examining risk across an organization and taking defined steps to reduce those risks to a level that is acceptable to the organization. Security is NOT the act of…

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The Importance of Personal & Corporate Cybersecurity Hygiene

We care for our bodies. We eat. sleep, bathe, brush our teeth, wash our clothes, clean our homes and see doctors as needed in order to keep ourselves healthy. This concept of self-care we call personal hygiene. We practice personal hygiene throughout our lives in hopes of having a long and healthy life. Many of us have pets that bring…

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Proper Password Management

Possibly one of the most poorly understood and overlooked problems faced by businesses and consumers is the proper implementation and management of passwords. Typically, access is granted to a system or resource simply by entering a username and password. Usernames are typically email addresses or some combination of the user’s first and last name, so these are easy to guess.…

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Twitter’s Last Days?

If you listen to much of the chatter on Twitter surrounding Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter in October, you might think the world were coming to an abrupt end with Twitter burning to the ground. There’s been much whining and gnashing of teeth along with a significant number of people claiming they are leaving the platform forever. Most of the…

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